Solo Works
“Ghost Music” (2019) for solo marimba
Written for marimbist Matthew Coley
“Chorale, Aria and a Fantasy” (2017) for piano
Commissioned by pianist Lori Sims
“Transcendental Preludes, Book II” (2017) for piano
Composed for pianist Lori Sims
First Performance: February 2017, Packard Hall, The Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO
“Transcendental Preludes, Book I” (2016) for piano
Commissioned by pianist Lori Sims for the 2016 Gilmore International Keyboard Festival
First Performance: May 2016, Wellspring Theatre, Kalamazoo, MI
“16 Solo Etudes” (2000) for trumpet or the horn
Published by McCoy’s Horn Library
“Intaglios” (1985) for solo vibraphone
First Performance: February 1985 Shepherd School of Music, Rice University, Houston, TX
“Word Music…perhaps?” (1984) for piano solo
Commissioned by pianist Susan Langlas Grace, The Colorado College
First Performance: July 1884, Packard Hall, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO
“Meditatio” (1984) for vibraphone and marimba (one player)
First Performance: February 1984, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
“Corky’s Clock” (1981) for clarinet alone
First Performance: January 1981, Current and Modern Concert, Ann Arbor, MI
Published by Avera Music Press