Large Ensemble Works

“Fanfare for a Long Journey” (2012) for wind ensemble
Commissioned by the WMU Western Winds ensemble in honor of the Fetzer Institute
First Performance: February 2013, Dalton Recital Hall, Western Michigan University

“Imago” (2003) for full orchestra
Commissioned by the North State Symphony Orchestra
First Performance: April 2003, Laxson Auditorium, Chico, CA 

“Walkin’ Sideways” (1994) for wind ensemble
Commissioned by the CSU, Chico Symphonic Winds to perform at MENC State Conference
First Performance: February 1994, California State University, Chico, CA

“Searching Schubert” (1992) for full orchestra 
First Performance: October 1996, Camellia Symphony Orchestra, Sacramento, CA
Recording: Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, MMC Recordings

“Strange Attractors” (1990) for full orchestra
First Performance: April 1990, Shepherd Symphony Orchestra, Rice University, Houston, TX

 “Wizard’s Gizmo” (1988) for chamber orchestra 
First Performance: June 1988, Colorado College Summer Music Festival, Colorado Springs, CO